Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE \Softwarea Iterated Systems, Inc.% Fractal Viewer Helper App 32% This product has already been installed. The a2 previous installation should be UnInstalled before$ continuing with this installation. Do You Want To Uninstall Now??( \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion% Uninstall% FractalViewerHelperApp32 1.1 UninstallString2 Unable to uninstall. Exit Setup, Uninstall, a then start Setup again. uninst.exe! Iterated Systems, Inc.a Fractal Viewer Helper App 32a fifview.exe FIFVIEW Enter installation directory for a Fractal Viewer Helper App 32 Enter Installation Directoryb There is not enough space available on the disk Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk General Copying files... README.TXTa README.TXT LICENSE.TXTa LICENSE.TXT DATA.Za FIFVIEW.EXEA DATA.Za *.FIFA DATA.Za DECO_32.DLLA FractalViewerHelperApp32 1.1A FractalViewerHelperApp32 1.1 Copying files...? Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* File not in libraryA General errorA Incorrect diskA Cant launch an intermediate processA OPERRORA Packaging errorA Reset requiredA General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Installation complete.; View README File?( Do you want to view the README file now?A README.TXT NOTEPAD.EXEb Setup of a Fractal Viewer Helper App 32$ is complete. Installing a Fractal Viewer Helper App 32 1.1 SetupA This program requires Win32s. Please contact Microsoft for information on how to get Win32s installed on your machineA This program requires Win32s, Windows NT, or Windows 95A FIF.Document! .FIFa FIF.DocumentA FIF.Documenta FIF FileA \fifview.exe %1 FIF.Document\shell\open\commanda \fifview.exe,0 FIF.Document\DefaultIcona \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Netscape.exe PathR Configure for Netscape Navigator?( An installation of Netscape Navigator was detected. OK to configure Fractal Viewer as Helper App for FIFs?A \Software\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\Viewers% FIFVIEW.EXEQ image/fifA Unable to Configure Netscape Navigator to use Fractal Viewer as Helper App for FIFsA TYPE! image/fif! TYPEb image/fifA WIN.INIa Netscapea Configure for Netscape Navigator?( Netscape browser was detected. OK to configure Fractal Viewer as Helper App for FIFs?A FIFVIEW.EXE% Viewersa image/fifb Unable to Configure Netscape Navigator to use Fractal Viewer as Helper App for FIFsA TYPEb Viewersb image/fif! TYPEb Viewersb image/fif! MOSAIC.INIR Configure for Mosaic?( Mosaic browser was detected. OK to configure Fractal Viewer as Viewer for FIFs?A FIFVIEW.EXE %s MOSAIC.INIa Viewera image/fifb Unable to Configure Netscape Navigator to use Fractal Viewer as Helper App for FIFsA _ISUSER.DLL REGDIALOGb REGDIALOG! Dialog FailedA Lucida ConsoleA REGDIALOG2 license.txt REGDIALOGAe REGDIALOG REGDIALOG DECO_32.DLLR Overwrite Decoder DLL A later version of the FIF Decoder DLL has been detected. $ Fractal Viewer Helper App 32 1.1$ is compatible with this DLL. Overwriting this file now may cause other FIF applications to malfunction. Do you want to overwrite the Decoder DLL? 3.00.065